Kirby Uniform Documentation

A versatile Kirby 2 plugin to handle web form actions.

Builtin actions:

  • Email: Send the form data by email.
  • EmailSelect: Choose from multiple recipients to send the form data by email.
  • Log: Log the form data to a file.
  • Login: Log in to the Kirby frontend.
  • SessionStore: Store the form in the user's session.
  • Upload: Handle file uploads.
  • Webhook: Send the form data as an HTTP request to a webhook.


Uniform requires PHP 5.6 or higher. It is highly recommended to use a version under active support.

Kirby CLI

Get the Kirby CLI and run kirby plugin:install mzur/kirby-uniform.


Download the repository and extract it to site/plugins/uniform.


Run composer require mzur/kirby-uniform:^3.0. Then create the file site/plugins/autoload.php with the content:


require kirby()->roots()->index().DS.'vendor'.DS.'autoload.php';

Be sure to include the new vendor directory in your deployment.


Add this to your CSS:

.uniform__potty {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9999px;

If you have a single language site you can choose the language Uniform should use in site/config/config.php (default is en):

c::set('uniform.language', 'de');

See here for all supported languages.


Disable the Kirby cache for pages where you use Uniform to make sure the form is generated dynamically.


Uniform makes use of Kirby sessions and the CSRF helper. This requires a session cookie to be set.


See the answers, post an issue if you think it is a bug or create a topic in the forum if you need help (be sure to use the uniform tag or mention @mzur).