Log Action

This action simply puts the form data of every successful form submission to a log file.

Example action array:

   '_action' => 'log',
   'file'    => './reservation-form.log'

Example log entry:

[2015-04-11T09:16:18+00:00] Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
name: Joe User
_from: joe@user.com
message: This is a test submission.


file (required)

The path to the file the log should be written to. Every new entry is appended to this file. If you use a relative path (./) it will be relative to the directory of Kirby's index.php. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created but it will fail if the directory doesn't exist so the directory has to be created manually.


Name of a snippet to use for each log entry. In the snippet, the $form and $actionOptions arrays are available. The $form array contains all form fields and the $actionOptions array is the action array of this log action. If no snippet is specified, the default entry format is used (see above).