
This is a collection of answers to all sorts of questions regarding Uniform that popped up over the time.

How can I send an HTML email?

How an email is sent within Kirby is defined by email services. For an HTML email you can implement a service like this one and then configure the email action to use it.

Can Uniform be used with AJAX?

Yes, here is a tutorial.

When I submit a correctly filled out form, all data vanishes and nothing happens. What is going wrong?

Check if the HTTP request for submitting the form is redirected. Some server configurations will redirect a request e.g. from to during which all form data is lost and Uniform will reset itself. Try changing your form's action URL from <?php echo $page->url() ?> to <?php echo $page->url() ?>/.

If this doesn't help check for an empty url() in your CSS (why?).

Can I use a redirect when the form is submitted successfully?

Yes, just add this to your controller code after the initialization of Uniform by $form = uniform(...):

if ($form->successful()) go('/uri');

Can I work with the submitted form data outside of Uniform snippets?

Sure, since the form data is submitted with an ordinary POST request you can access the value of a field with name myfield anywhere in your code using the get Kirby helper get('myfield').